Friday, April 18, 2008

Intraday Euro Trading with Astrology

MC is the meridian of NYC. So in 1st graph as Venus at 0 degrees "has conjuncted the meridian on NYC wallstreet. After Venus crossing meridian of NYC the euro tanks to about 30 degrees..
A biggie is mars, after mars reaches opposition to the meridian(IC) of Nyc, anotherwords it is on exact opposite side of Meridian of NYC, the euro tends to go down..until about 130 degrees before conjunction with meridian of NYC.
Another biggie is Saturn, unlike Mars, will cause a bottom in EURO at the opposite to meridian of NYC.. this bottom happened at 8:23 am Friday April intraday this could be a bottom in Euro..
These tests run on the data March 15, 2008 thru April 15, 2008 on 15 minute price bars.. If one were to bet only on one pattern like Saturn opposite meridian of NYC would win 15 times and lose 11 times..

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Apartment in Buenos Aires Palermo Soho

Basic 75 meter apartment with a patiocita and a larger patio of 27 meters..Most amenities...
TV and cable, Internet..Kitchen has not been updated..but maybe it will get done by May 1..
No Microwave..and furniture is included..price will be around 1200$, but if no response i will lower..